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EX=CX (for an American Bank)

The Bank


This Bank has 7 contact centres and one outsourced operator across the USA


The Challenge


When called in to assist this Bank the leadership team knew there were challenges but needed a fresh pair of eyes to help them to see the solution.  The staff attrition was at 75% (annual) causing them to be in a never-ending recruitment and training cycle and to be losing many of their newly trained staff within the first 6 months.   

The inability to retain staff was significantly impacting performance on all levels including Customer Satisfaction.

Having observed and listened to employees at all levels of the organisation there were clear signs as to the main cause of the problem:

Bankers had conflicting targets on their scorecards (Sales, Average Handle Time (AHT) and Customer Experience). They were being encouraged to speed up versus resolve queries.  If they transferred the customer out their AHT was protected.  This was stressful and un-empowering.


The Solution


A pilot was run for 3 months to understand the impact of changing the Bankers scorecard.  This pilot was split into 3 test groups and one control group.  All groups had training (Value Through Advice) giving them skills and empowerment to resolve customers’ queries more effectively without hand-off.  


  • Pilot 1 still had all the scorecard metrics to comply with (Revenue, cSat and AHT).


  • Pilot 2 had all except AHT.


  • Pilot 3 only had cSat.



The Result


Staff attrition across the pilots fell from 75% to 30%.  

cSat rose from 68% to 75%.  

Sales levels per call remained level but as fewer calls were handled (higher AHT) overall sales fell.  

However, what was not measured was the impact of less call-backs to other teams and the actual Customer AHT as less customers were transferred out of the department (falling from 20% to 10%).


All three pilot teams have merged into one team and continue to trial as a Pilot 2 model (with Revenue target but no AHT).  

Direct feedback from pilot team members is that they are 100% more likely to stay through the following year than they would have been without the pilot.


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